Thursday, June 17, 2010

Meeting the Campers

Day one of camp was full of surprises. I didn't even know that I got accepted into the camp until the morning of when my mother was pounding on my door telling me that I needed to get ready for camp. That day I also found out that the camp was not a day camp like I had though it was, but a camp were we would be staying twelve nights at the local university.
We did the usual first day things, name games, skill building, getting to know more about each other, and some bonding things.
Soon after the games we all went out to Skaters Cabin, a local picnic ground next to the glacier. We broke out with some awesome drum routines, as in Tlingit drums, and we started singing and dancing.
That day I met people that I though I would never get along with, but as the days go on and the camp starts to come to a end I don't want to leave them. They are my friends.
Cora Danielson

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