Friday, June 18, 2010

Sandy Beach

at Sandy Beach we used the GPS's to find things from a long time ago people used for the gold mining and we also had a BBQ and did some druming which me and Christal were chosen to lead, which was a little fun. Oohh.... and it was also Sheron's Birthday. so yeah thats what we did at Sandy Beach .

My Introduction

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Path of Excellence

I came into this camp thinking that I wouldn't like any of it, and that I wouldn't learn anything. That was not the case. I learned more here about the culture and about myself then I did in the school year and this was only a twelve day camp.
I always somewhat knew that the Tlingit culture was dying out, but it never actually hit me until I came to this camp. I thought that I was just one person and that I couldn't make that much of a difference. So what if I didn't know the language, it would survive without me. I knew how to sing, dance, and do some artwork, I thought that would be enough.

David always told us that we were special and that we did matter. He had us say "I am special" over and over again, I just said it without any feeling or thought to it because I didn't believe it. In my mind I was still just one person that didn't matter and that couldn't make a difference. It didn't matter who told us that we were special, what teacher it was talking to us, or what elder. I just didn't believe it because I didn't want to believe it. Because in believing that I could make a difference and that I was special that meant that I would have to work for it. I would have to work to make a difference, I would have to do things to show myself that I am special, and I was not ready to do that.
Now that we reached the end of camp I realize that it is really up to us to carry on our culture. I always just thought that our elders would stick around, but they are getting older and older everyday, and if we don't do anything about it the culture and the language will die along with them and that will be the end of who we are as a people.
So now, even though it scares me to think of what is coming up ahead, I'm happy to say that I Am Special and that I Do Make a Difference.

Cora Danielson

Taku Inlet

One of the most exciting days of this camp was the trip to Taku Inlet. We did our usual thing in the morning, did our morning run, went to our morning classes, but right at the time we were supposed to be going back for our lunch we got onto a bus and headed for the docks to get onto the catamaran. I was a little upset when I found out that my mother would not be joining us, but I soon got over it.

It was the perfect day for it. The Sun was out and it was really warm. A lot of the elder came out to tell us the old stories about the area, and we had the people that were from that land there to welcome us. I loved hearing all the people talk about the land and the old ways, what the native people use to do and singing. Even some of the campers went up there to talk.

One of the things that made that day so special was the Killer Whales that came to great us. Usually when I see whales they stay mostly under the water and the only thing I see from them is the dorsal fin, but this time they were leaping out of the water. It was one of the most magical, beautiful, and graceful thing I have ever seen.

Cora Danielson

Path of Excelence

The Path of Excellence Camp has made me realize that the Tlingit culture is slowly fading away. To me, I think that the Tlingit culture is either going to go away or stay, and that is up to us cause we are the future cause all the elders are not going to be here long to keep it going. And this is what The Path of Excellence means to me.
Rolonda Scaife

Salmon Dissection Day

It was so hard for me to wake up, but knowing what we were going to be doing that day helped get me motivated. I would have never gotten up at 7:00 AM without thinking about it.
The day was full of excitement and beauty. We got some salmon and some crab to dissect, I have to admit the knives that we used were dull but still very intimidating. I had my partner do most of the cutting because I was scared ad didn't trust myself with the knife. After finding out that me and my partner were both left handed I had to switch partners and try cutting it myself, to my surprise it was really easy.
The last remains of the fish and the crab we put on the beach fro the birds to eat. Seeing the eagles circling over head and watching them swoop down and grab parts of the fish and crab was the most beautiful thing ever and I will never forget it.
Cora Danielson

Meeting the Campers

Day one of camp was full of surprises. I didn't even know that I got accepted into the camp until the morning of when my mother was pounding on my door telling me that I needed to get ready for camp. That day I also found out that the camp was not a day camp like I had though it was, but a camp were we would be staying twelve nights at the local university.
We did the usual first day things, name games, skill building, getting to know more about each other, and some bonding things.
Soon after the games we all went out to Skaters Cabin, a local picnic ground next to the glacier. We broke out with some awesome drum routines, as in Tlingit drums, and we started singing and dancing.
That day I met people that I though I would never get along with, but as the days go on and the camp starts to come to a end I don't want to leave them. They are my friends.
Cora Danielson